u 工作经历
起止时间 |
工作单位 |
所属部门 |
职称/职务 |
201905-202010 |
美国俄克拉荷马大学 |
石油与地质工程系 |
博士后 |
202011-202212 |
伟德BETVlCTOR1946 |
新能学学院 |
讲师 |
202212-至今 |
伟德BETVlCTOR1946 |
伟德BETVlCTOR1946 |
副教授 |
u 研究方向
u 招生专业
硕士招生专业:石油与天然气工程、土木工程和计算机等相关专业 名额2名
u 期刊审稿人
《SPE Journal》《SPE Production & Operations》《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》《Energy》《煤田地质与勘探》等期刊的审稿人。
u 科研项目
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52174029,注水与热开采条件下干热岩储层缝网改造机理,2022.01-2025.12,在研,主持;
2. 新疆地质灾害防治重点实验室开放基金,地下岩体裂缝非线性变形特征以及其工程效应研究, 2022-06至2024-12,在研,主持。
3. 陕西省城市地质与地下空间工程技术研究中心开放基金,地热开采中岩体变形与渗流的热流固耦合作用机制,2022-03至2023-03,已结题,主持。
u 代表性论文(限10项)
1. Gao, Q.,Jin, G., Yu, H., An, E., Ghassemi, A., Zhou, D., Meng, H. 2024. Heat extraction from abandoned petroleum wells utilizing coaxial borehole heat exchanger in Ordos basin, China. Renewable Energy 230: 120806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2024.120806.
2. Gao, Q.,Zhou, D., Ghassemi, A., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Guo, M. 2023. Propagating Hydraulic Fractures from Wellbores: Effects of In-Situ Stress and Near-Wellbore Stress Redistribution. SPE Production & Operations 38 (02): 305–316. SPE-212850-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/212850-PA.
3. Gao, Q., Ghassemi, A. 2021. The Impact of Layering and Permeable Frictional Interfaces on Hydraulic Fracturing in Unconventional Reservoirs. SPE Production & Operations 36(4): 912-925. SPE-195881-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/195881-PA.
4. Gao, Q., Ghassemi, A. 2020. Finite Element Simulations of 3D Planar Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Using a Coupled Hydro-mechanical Interface Element. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 44(15): 1999-2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/nag.3116.
5. Gao, Q., Ghassemi, A. 2020. Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulations of Hydraulic Fracture Height Growth in Layered Formations Using a Coupled Hydro-mechanical Model. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 125: 104137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2019.104137.
6. Gao, Q., Ghassemi, A. 2020. Three-Dimensional Thermo-poroelastic Modeling and Analysis of Flow, Heat Transport and Deformation in Fractured Rock With Applications to a Lab-scale Geothermal System. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53(4): 1565-1586. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-019-01989-0.
7. Gao, Q., Ghassemi, A. 2020. Height Growth in Layered Unconventional Reservoirs: The Impact of Moduli, Interfaces and In-situ Stress. SPE Production & Operations 35(4): 756-774. SPE-201104-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/201104-PA.
8. Gao, Q., Ghassemi, A. 2017. Pore Pressure and Stress Distributions Around a Hydraulic Fracture in Heterogeneous Rock. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 50(12): 3157–3173. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-017-1280-5.
9. Gao, Q., Cheng, Y., Fathi, E., Ameri, S. 2016. Analysis of Stress-Field Variations Expected on Subsurface Faults and Discontinuities in the Vicinity of Hydraulic Fracturing. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 19 (01): 54-69. SPE-168761-PA. http://doi.org/10.2118/168761-PA.
10. Gao, Q., Ghassemi, A. 2018. Parallel Finite Element Simulations of 3D Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Using a Coupled Hydro-mechanical Interface Element. 52th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, USA, 17-20 June. ARMA-2018-872.